
目前顯示的是 1月, 2020的文章

機器學習與深度學習引用度最高前20大論文 2014-2017(top 20 papers machine learning and Deep Learning in 2014 to 2017)

以下是從2014-2017年間機器學習與深度學習論文引用最高的前20大((top 20 papers machine learning and Deep Learning in 2014 to 2017)): The criteria we used to select the 20 top papers are by using citation counts from three academic sources:  scholar.google.com ;  academic.microsoft.com ; and   semanticscholar.org . Since the number of citations varied among sources and are estimated, we listed the results from  academic.microsoft.com  which is slightly lower than others. For each paper we also give the year it was published, a Highly Influential Citation count (HIC) and Citation Velocity (CV) measures provided by   semanticscholar.org .  HIC that presents how publications build upon and relate to each other is result of identifying meaningful citations. CV is the weighted average number of citations per year over the last 3 years. For some references, where CV is zero that means it was blank or not shown by  semanticscholar.org . Most (but not all) of these 20 papers, including the top 8, are on the topic


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